Thursday, September 22, 2016

How Come i can't change the size of my application windows in Windows 10 with Parallels 12

I updated to Parallels 12. I ended up changing a lot of the visual displays trying to make things better. Then somewhere along the way, I couldn't change the size of the applications in Windows 10. I thought it had something to do with Parallels, but it doesn't.

To fix this issue, simply do the following:

  1. Go to the notifications window. The little icon near the date and time on the bottom right on the start bar.
  2. Open it up
  3. Check to see if you are in tablet mode.... I was.
  4. Unhighlight it and you're done.

Fatal error: Call to undefined method aaAmazonWS::set_the_plugin() line 88 (ANSWER/SOLVED)

Fatal error: Call to undefined method aaAmazonWS::set_the_plugin() line 88

I was installing WooZone's  WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates plugin. And I received the message above.

Essentially, I had already installed WooCommerce Light. Then, I tried to install the purchased version above. When I installed it, the message appeared.


  1. go to WooCommerce Light
  2. Get your Amazon WS settings if you don't have them easily available
  3. Deactivate the Light version
  4. Activate the new version
This will allow you to continue..

No more
Fatal error: Call to undefined method aaAmazonWS::set_the_plugin() line 88

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Connect Office365 with my desktop or windows explorer and the sign in button doesn't work

Connect Office365 with my desktop or windows explorer and the sign in button doesn't work. WTF? Really, I tried this several times.

Answer: CLICK ON THE ENTER KEY, and you will get through. I used the mouse and it didn't work.

Here's an article if it helps.

Friday, September 2, 2016

The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs

Had the following error message:

The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched.  Inaccessible logs

I ended up adding this value to the registry. See the solution here:

Section or group name 'xyz.Properties.Settings' is already defined. This can not be defined multiple times.

Section or group name 'xyz.Properties.Settings' is already defined. This can not be defined multiple times. (C:\whatever.dll.config line [Line Number])

I ended up opening the config file and found a line was duplicated in Configuration | ConfigSections | SectionGroup

Removed it and all was good.