Friday, January 29, 2010

Shoemoney system enrollment closed unless you have a secret code. Contact me if you want it.

Ok, well, the signup limit of 500 people closed out in 29 hours. Not bad for a launch huh. Anyway, it's closed. Earlier we were sent information that there are 19 openings. Not sure why, maybe a couple of people opted out once they signed up. Anyway, it's a private registration and only existing members can invite new people into the system. Sooooo, if you are interested, please contact me using the "Need Help? Ask a webmaster" link in the top navigation. At that point, I'll send you a link with the secret passcode to sign up. Otherwise, you'll have to join the waiting list.

Monday, January 25, 2010

$2,000 in free Advertising coupons

Ok, I know this post is a little out of sorts, but, I do work on the side making money. A lot of times it's making money by doing more programming. Sometimes I wonder if it will ever end. More hours equals more money, but I would like to take a break sometime.

Anyway, I've been doing affiliate marketing on the side to get some residual. After all, I've been building sites for everyone else to make some money, I might as well make some for me.

Well, I just signed up for the new ShoeMoney system (Yes, the guy with the $130,000 Adsense check from Google.) He's got this new video tutorial system that trains you how to make money. Granted it hasn't been long, but after following his blog, I've made $60. I'm looking for the training videos to make me a little more :) He's got a teacher on there that took the class and she's already banking a little extra cash.

Anyway, the system comes with $2,000 in Advertising coupons from Google, AOL, Facebook and many others. Essentially, the program pays for itself. Even if you're just looking to get free ad time, it's worth it. To check it out, go here.